Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Half past noon.

Right now I’m at the "progressive tourist bureau" which is one of the places where the anti-RNC bloggers are supposed to hang out. The reason I’m here is that I went to "blogger’s alley" in the Garden, but while they had room, they wouldn’t let me use the ethernet cable for half a minute. So I went up here.

Now, nothing much is happening this afternoon. The A31 protests are just going to start "spontaneously" around four. The main points of departure are Union Square and the
main branch of the Library on 40th and fifth.

At the same time as that is the first debate, which will take place at the Sts. Cyral and Methodus church at five or six in the evening. The presidential candidates of the Green and Libertarian parties are going to attend, but Nader and the "real" candidates won’t.

This is to be expected.

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