Sunday, August 29, 2004

The Siege. Part one

So, I managed to get my credentials with no problems whatsoever, although the combination of what exactly is needed to get where is still a bit fuzzy. There is one outside credential for each day and one each for the Farley building and MSG. I think. I don't know if the MSG tickets are good for the Farley building or not or whether you need MSG tickets PLUS the limited access tickets in order to get into the Farley building...I'll find out this afternoon.


It's eight minutes after the assembly time begun. I'm sitting in my office blogging away while looking out the window. There's crowds on seventh avenue, but not that many people in front of me. One group is in it's assigned space while everyone else is just walking on by heading for their usual Sunday haunts or where the action seems to be.

things may change in an hour or so, or were my warnings all for naught? Will there be a siege? The leader of the Republican youth brigade was addressing his troops up at the Pennsylvania hotel, telling everyone not to be negative. It's eerily quiet, which I guess is a good thing.

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